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Our First "Sharing" With Another Couple: Part Onethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:swingers, 1495 words) [1/5] show all parts

Author: KathHal Picture in profile
Added: Oct 20 2006Views / Reads: 2300 / 1557 [68%]Part vote: 9.17 (6 votes)
How Kath and Hal decided before marriage that they would "share" sexually if the proper couple came along, as part of a "no cheating" agreement. This is background leading up to the event, and there will be at least two other parts, so

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Our First Time "Sharing" - Part One

HAL: My wife Kath has been bugging me to write a first draft account of our initial "sharing" experience with another couple. OK, babe, I shall give it a try. She has promised to add her own comments when she thinks they might be warranted.

Kath and I were candid with one another about sexual matters early on. Given that both of us were in our 20s, neither of us was naive enough to think that we were "getting a virgin." She was a shade behind me in terms of actual numbers - an even dozen for her, 18 or 19 for me - but if she added in the female bi-sexual partners she had enjoyed, we were about even.

KATH NOTES: For the record, I had eaten five different pussies at this stage of my life. Hal had lived with two girl friends for varying periods, so I suggest that he had intercourse a helluva' lot more time than innocent little me. [wink] Back to you, Hal.

HAL: We met by chance on a ski weekend in Aspen. I had gone up with a group of guys, she with some women friends, about six persons in each party. We hit it off from the start on the slopes - she is a superb athlete, a rated tennis player, among other skills - and we did some serious flirting during Happy Hour at the lodge. And she was quite willing to go along with the crowd when one well-oiled gal suggested ...

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