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Elizabeth Chapter 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 2327 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: Phobos UK
Added: Oct 23 2006Views / Reads: 980 / 650 [66%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Elizabeth and I explore our sexuality further

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We were due to meet Wednesday evening for the concert but I was too horny to wait until then and we agreed to meet up on Tuesday. It was a bit inconvenient as work was very demanding and Elizabeth lived about sixty miles from where I lived. However I could not think straight and my cock dragged me willingly back sooner.

So I called round on Tuesday just after 8. Elizabeth looked a lot more attractive than when she tarted herself up. She was wearing a simple woollen purpley red top and a calf length sensible navy blue pleated skirt. Her figure was shown off to better effect than the old fashioned dresses she wore. That it is to say it hung loose a bit and was not imprisoned in a corset (although she probably wore a slip) so I was properly able to gauge how ample her breasts were and the fullness of her belly. I confirmed my suspicions when we hugged and the softness of her flesh yielded to my touch.

I told her so. "I'm glad your curves are on better display" I whispered when I was nuzzling her ear. We went to the sofa but instead of sitting down next two her I knelt in front of her, upright against her knees, leaning slightly forward to hold her hips. Her knees parted lightly and her skirt was loose enough to let me move forward. "On your knees?" she remarked looking at me fondly "I think a bit of Elizabeth worshipping is called for, don't you?" She laughed and I moved my hands up to cup her breasts although they were a little too large for that. She edged forward so that she was sat more on the edge of the sofa and her legs ...

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