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Our First Sexual Sharing: Part Twothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 1456 words) [2/5] show all parts

Author: KathHal Picture in profile
Added: Oct 24 2006Views / Reads: 1713 / 1309 [76%]Part vote: 8.20 (5 votes)
Kath and Hal arrive at the Club Orient nudist resort in St. Martin's and acclimate themselves to being naked with scores of other couples, eyes open for "the right couple" with whom to have their first sharing experience.

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Our First Time "Sharing" - Part Two

KATH: Well, thanks for the nice comments that came in over the weekend. I am happy that those of you who take time to comment enjoy what we are writing. I will start this segment and let Hal chime in when he wishes. Doing this in tandem is fun, and a bit of a change from what we read elsewhere.

Do let me state the obvious? We write these memories in our spare time, so please do NOT fret if a few days pass between episodes, OK? Now, of course, if any of you happens to be rich enough to give us a foundation grant so that we can quit our jobs and write full-time......No takers? Oh, dear, no problem. Let's go on to St. Martin's.

Our choice of a nudist resort for the site of the first winter vacation of our marriage quite predictably put the thought of "sexual sharing" with another couple back on our conversation agenda, and very high I must say. Hal joked, "Well, if it doesn't work, fucking other people outside the continental United States doesn't count."

"Spoken like a true lawyer," I replied. "But, for one, I hope that it DOES work!"

"It sounds to me," Hal said, "as if you have already made up your mind." ...

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