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One Hit Too Many!this story is part of the FanClub (ff:first time, 14352 words)

Author: Knob-Out Picture in profile
Added: Oct 24 2006Views / Reads: 3242 / 2765 [85%]Story vote: 8.83 (6 votes)
Abused and beaten by her husband Charlotte goes to Spain to recuperate and finds a new life, new love and new strength.

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A bit long but plenty of sex to keep you interested. Hope you like it. XX

One Hit Too Many!

"Shut the fuck up!" Was the last thing I heard. I didn't see the hand but I felt it as it slammed into the side of my face. A blinding flash of stars and pain streaked through my head as I hit the floor in a dishevelled heap once again.

This was just one of many other assaults my husband Tony has made on me in the past 7 years of marriage. Others have been much worse, some have been just a mild slap but they all hurt me, not only physically but mentally as well.

I rose from the floor of our lounge holding the right side of my face. It was burning like hell and my nose felt as though it was broken, again. This time I didn't cry; I was either getting used to the assaults or getting harder, I'm sure it was the latter.

"Why don't you just fuck off to Spain, you're as good as a chocolate fireguard here, fucking useless as usual. Go on get out of my sight before I slap you again." He shouted and moved forward menacingly.

I didn't need a second telling. I grabbed my sunglasses that had been on ...

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