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Key Westing, Part 3this story is part of the FanClub (mm:swingers, 3388 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: habu
Added: Nov 06 2006Views / Reads: 546 / 401 [73%]Part vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
No-holds-barred beach tripping

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When I returned from putting myself back together after experiencing the pile, I found Brian sitting primly at the Bourbon Street Pub's bar, apparently no worse the wear from the poundings he'd gotten from the manrammer and the Jamaican's own rammer and playing kissy face with yet another shorts-only dude. I pushed the dude off Brian with a "this one's mine" comment and told my freewheeling significant other that was time to move on.

"Fine by me," Brian said. I noticed that he was a little slow standing up, though. The Jamaican must have made quite an impression on—or, rather, in—him.

"Where to next then?" I asked.

"Back to Saloon 1," Brian said without hesitation. "I want to hook up with Flash again."

"Oh, God, all right," I said. I wasn't in the mood to fight.

We found that Flash had stayed put at the leather bar, just as he said he would, waiting for us to return. And he'd gathered a couple of friends he said wanted to meet us. The three were a motley group. Flash and the mountain of a man he introduced as Duane might have come from the same biker club. Duane was a good six foot seven, big boned, meaty, most of which was muscle, bald guy with a droopy mustache and a pig ...

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