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Web sexthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 3810 words)

Author: The Pack
Added: Nov 12 2006Views / Reads: 1626 / 1305 [80%]Story vote: 8.29 (7 votes)
My wife and I enjoy phone sex with a twist.

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I'd like to tell you about a fantastic change that has occurred between my wife and I in our sex life over the last six months.

My wife is Wendy and I am Tony and we have been very happily married for 18 years. Our sex life has been ok but nothing to set the world alight. When it's good it is very good but certainly I have been the one with the greater sex drive over the years.

I have always joked with Wendy that it is a shame she does not use her body to greater advantage as at 5 foot 10 and a slim ash blond I think she is stunning. She of course can't see that and like most women always see the things she would like to change.

I think that like most couples we have used fantasies in our lovemaking but again I seem to be the driving force behind this and as much as I have tried, Wendy has always been reluctant to admit her fantasies to me and when she does mention them I get the feeling that she is doing it more for me than her.

One of my favourite fantasies stem from a discussion with a work colleague from around 7 or 8 years ago. I had been out drinking with my mate Ray and we were discussing sex (as normal) when in drunken fit of honesty Ray said that he would love to get between Wendy's long legs and fuck her silly. As his wife at the time was a petite redhead with a fantastic body I hadn't considered that Wendy would have been his type. ...

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