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Hotel Lovethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 695 words)

Author: Missy Kay Picture in profile
Added: Nov 16 2006Views / Reads: 1290 / 6 [0%]Story vote: 8.67 (3 votes)
He heard her. She’d open the door while still tugging the tight, short shirt of her tube dress down over her hips. The dress make of stretchy, clingy stuff that conformed to her body like a second skin. It was a wide cuff across the top that could be w

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He heard her. She'd open the door while still tugging the tight, short shirt of her tube dress down over her hips. The dress make of stretchy, clingy stuff that conformed to her body like a second skin. It was a wide cuff across the top that could be worn off the shoulders she was wearing that way. The dress was red, so were her lipstick, her high-heeled pumps, and the dozen of plastic bangle bracelets encircling her arms. With her main of blonde hair even more unruly than usual, she looked very sexy.

Her practiced eyes moved down his smooth, muscled torso, seen through his unbuttoned shirt. Suggestively, she licked her lips. She curled up in the easy chair he'd been occupying and popped the tomato into her mouth. It was the same vibrant color as her lips. Her teeth sank into it. The juice squirted inside her mouth. She took a wedge of the triple decker sandwich from the plate and bit into it.

"Help yourself." He pulled a straight chair from beneath the table. He knew when he treated her like this she gets hot. She loved the challenge.

"Don't you dare ignore me, you bastard."

The glint in his eyes looked a little dangerous. "I didn't invite you here. I don't want you here." He was really into his role, and she loved him even more for it. ...

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