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Bi for Each Otherthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:first time, 1335 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: Doc1
Added: Nov 17 2006Views / Reads: 3416 / 2679 [78%]Part vote: 7.17 (6 votes)
This story is about how i met my current wife and the awakening of our bisexuality. I hope the readers enjoy it and feel free to leave good comments.parts 2/3 to be written if enough good feed back is recieved.

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The year was early 2001. I had been talking to my now wife in the local chat room for about 4 or 5 months now. We had also grown comfortable enuff to talk on the phone during this time.It was close to Valintines Day 01 and i asked her out for a date. Well needless to say that fell through and she called in the next couple days and asked me not to be mad and explained what had happened so i accepted and we set a date for the following friday during the day. She lived maybe 30 miles away so it wasnt like it was a long drive to meet her. I met her at her home at 1:00 in the afternoon and we talked and things and decided to go into the local town that she lived near.Things went well on our date so we ended up back at my house for the evening and rest of the nite.This date was the most natural feeling either of us had ever had or been on . We didnt have intercourse the first nite but very close to it.

Fast forward 2 months ahead. Diane had now moved in with me and we were very happy and very horny. Always making love or just having plain raw sex at any time day or nite any where in the house. It was nothing for us to be naked in the house at most times. Showering together was a regular thing for us to do and was fun plus saved on water. We were comfortable enuff with one another that one nite in bed we had a tell all to each other in which we told each other every thing about ourseleves to the other.I was leary when i told her i had been with a guy a couple times and figured she would accept that or be grossed out and leave me soon. Well it turned out that she enjoyed hearing about my times and she admitted to being touched by an older girl when she was ...

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