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Mrs. Brown Pt 3.this story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 2700 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: John
Added: Nov 17 2006Views / Reads: 989 / 873 [88%]Part vote: 9.90 (10 votes)
It reaches it's peak...then......

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I could have put this last part under Romance. By doing that, part of the true story would have been missed. I once loved my ex-wife, that's how I fathered two beautiful daughters. But, Judy ....she was really the first TRUE love in my life, and she got away from me.

This is a true story of when I first came home from Viet Nam. 1968. NOTHING could compare to the "welcome home" Mrs. Brown gave me. It escalated to a further level, when I was at Ft. Dix for the next two months. It ended abruptly as I was about to come home permanently. Mrs. Brown, Judy....I'll always remember the great times we had. You didn't have to leave.

MRS. BROWN...but....Oh..Oh..

Dad dropped me off at the bus station to head to Ft. Dix. It wasn't a minute that he was out of site, that Judy came by and picked me up and off we went. Well planned. We arrived at the base a few hours later, and I checked in. Judy checked into a pretty nice Hotel just outside the base, and awaited for my call. I had no duty, just the process of being discharged, so I had plenty of time. We would head to the shore, the first of many, enjoying the sun and surf with wind in our faces. It was like a whirlwind, things were happening so fast.

Judy and I didn't have sex anymore. We had passionate love ...

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