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surprise!!!!!this story is part of the FanClub (bi:romantic, 2583 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: marina_tete
Added: Nov 18 2006Views / Reads: 8767 / 7162 [82%]Part vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
it is my husband's birthday and i decide to go wild. the story includes my trip to a lingerie shop and flirtings.

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Disclaimer: the story contains sexually explicit language and acts of sex between females and males. It that offends you please don't read. All feedback is welcomed at: marina_tete@yahoo.com


It's Friday 17th of November 2006 my baby will celebrate his birthday tomorrow but I will give him his present tonight, I have already planned the whole evening. I am waiting for him in our bedroom with plenty of surprises, I haven't told him what I am planning although he has been nagging me to spill it out. The dinner is set with dessert hidden in our walk in closet. You want to know what it is? Well I'll tell you.

I've always admired skimpy panties and underwear, although I only dared to try them only once and it was excoriating for me but I simply love them. I haven't told my husband this before so I thought it would be a hell of a surprise for him to see me in such an outfit. He had never said anything on the subject but what can I say men are men. He will simply lose his mind once seeing me in something skimpy or subtly revealing.

Having my mind set on this I went shopping in a lingerie store at the nearest mall. I entered the first store I found- not very shopping smart you can say- there was standing a tiny salesgirl, I could tell ...

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