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The Best Pick-Up Ever.this story is part of the FanClub (ff:first time, 4656 words)

Author: Knob-Out Picture in profile
Added: Nov 21 2006Views / Reads: 9217 / 8115 [88%]Story vote: 9.12 (8 votes)
A female taxi driver picks up a distraught female who opens up the world of Lesbian love to her.

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The Best Pick-Up Ever!

I have a natural loving nature and wouldn't hurt a fly on purpose but that all changed when I came home from work early one afternoon and caught my fiance' shagging his secretary in our king size bed.

I walked in on them with her on all fours and my partner with his cock wedged up her cunt, fucking her for all he was worth.

I went ballistic. Everything I could get my hands on I threw at him, vases, chairs, pictures anything but it all went pear shaped when his silly cow of a secretary got her head in the way of an ornament. It hit her square on the forehead; put her in hospital and me in the local police cell.

I was lucky when I attended court because the magistrate let me off with probation on the grounds I got a different job and kept out of trouble for the next five years. I found out later that she had undergone a similar experience with a former husband and therefore had some sympathy with my own circumstances.

Anyway that was in the past and 6 years down the line I have a clean slate and a job as a taxi cab driver. I own my own car and just pay a local company for the use of a two way radio set up.


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