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Posesthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1437 words)

Author: Degas5
Added: Nov 29 2006Views / Reads: 646 / 537 [83%]Story vote: 8.50 (2 votes)
He was an artist at work in the right place at the right time.

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Sarah's mind was elsewhere as her body made its way toward the beach. No unusual distraction: thinking again about the break-up with Rob. It was a large part of why she had come to the ocean for an extended vacation. Her distraction was enough that she didn't realize something was wrong until one hand was clamped across her mouth, and she felt the other near her hip. Luckily her body reacted quickly, almost before her mind figured out the situation. She twisted away from the hands and let loose a piercing "Help!" Unfortunately it might not do any good; there probably wasn't anyone on the beach this early. She didn't completely escape the clutching hands. One of them caught the loose folds of her blouse and tore it off, leaving Sarah bare breasted.

At this point, Sarah discovered that at least one pair of ears had heard her cry for help. A man in a denim shirt came rushing toward her. The assailant's survival mode chose flight over fight, and he ran past the dunes, unconsciously carrying away her blouse.

The man in the denim shirt arrived, "Are you OK? Are you OK?" Sarah managed to nod. She was breathless, and frightened. She clung to him, trying to catch her breath and fight off fear. He held her gently but firmly, and kept saying, "It's OK. It's OK." At some point Sarah realized that she recognized him. She didn't know him, but she had seen him several times. When she came to the beach, he was often set up with brushes and easel painting the seascape.


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