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The Wedding Receptionthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1382 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: Triple D
Added: Nov 29 2006Views / Reads: 2332 / 1247 [53%]Part vote: 8.75 (4 votes)
While attending a friends wedding reception, we decide to step outside for some fun of our own.

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The Wedding Reception

It had been a beautiful wedding and we were happy for our friends. We always thought they made a good couple, but what did we know. The reception was held at a party center out in the country and was a very nice setting.

After the usual greetings and sit down meal along with the traditional toasts and clanging of glasses for the bride and groom to kiss, the music started and the lights were turned down. Since it was an open bar, we had had our share of wine before dinner while waiting for the wedding party to arrive and were feeling a little giddy. You had moved your chair closer to mine and I had my arm around your shoulder. Like the newlyweds, we shared several kisses while we sat there enjoying the music and talking with another couple at our table. You had your hand on my leg and every once in a while I could feel you gently squeeze it and occasionally run your hand up my leg from my knee toward my crotch. When you did this I would look at you and see the devilish grin that I had come to enjoy and love.

I took my arm from around your shoulder and reached for my glass of wine when I suddenly felt your hand slide across the front of my dress slacks and gently squeeze my soft cock through my slacks. Trying to act as though I did not notice was hard as my dick was starting to respond quickly to the touch. Your hand was hidden from the view of ...

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