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Megan's Mummy (part 1)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:bondage, 892 words)

Author: johnny Picture in profile
Added: Dec 01 2006Views / Reads: 1153 / 5 [0%]Story vote: 6.00 (3 votes)
Megan 's mummy ( a divorcee) takes her to the cinema for her 6th birthday to see the Wild Thornberries with some grown up friends. They all had a great laugh and after they got home Megan's mummy decides to thank Bruce, who drove them all to the film, in

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Margaret called her daughter Megan, after her mother's sister. She was the one who had helped her through the chaotic time of the new baby, ‘born out of wedlock' six years ago to the day.

It was chaotic because her father had banished her from the family home following her mother being ‘sectioned' by the Social Services under the Mental Health Act. He blamed it on the worry she had caused and said that was her punishment for not naming the father. In reality, this was an easy way for him to get out of caring for a squalling baby and rejoin his bachelor life.

Today was her birthday and she had arranged a special treat for Megan, who had rarely been to cinema before. This time she was ‘going with Mummy and some stranger friends of her mother's, so she was on her best behaviour being the only child in the group. As a reward for this, she felt the large helping of popcorn her mother bought for her at the front entrance to the complex was her ‘due'.

The sugary taste of the popcorn lasted for the first minutes of the film, which was a full length cartoon called "The Wild Thornberries" that featured some children and their father Nigel(who had an enormous moustache).

Hair was an important element in the story, because the man's daughter had long pigtails, just like Megan, who started to feel very important ...

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