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Jeremy's Christmasthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 4409 words)

Author: Oswald/Harry
Added: Dec 20 2006Views / Reads: 3089 / 2185 [71%]Story vote: 8.67 (3 votes)
A young man meets a very naked and very lovely girl, while staying with his two elderly aunts for Christmas. It is a meeting that will change his life for ever.

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There is only a fairly low erotic content to this strory, so you may well decide to give it a miss. It's a seasonal offering which I will very likely delete once the Festive Season is over and done with.

Whether you like the sory or not, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy 2007.

Jeremy's Christmas

Chapter One

Jeremy Carstairs was greeted by his Aunts Frances and Josephine as he stepped out of the December cold into the hall of their old house and into its cosy warmth. He remembered of old the warmth of the house and the friendly welcome. How could he not, after so many visits to these dear old ladies over the years? Jeremy and his parents had spent many happy Christmases with these two friendly maiden ladies. Unfortunately, this Christmas was to be a little different.

Jeremy's parents had been forced to go abroad for a few days to attend the funeral of a relative in Minnesota. He remembered the sadness in both his parent's eyes as they had said goodbye a couple of days earlier. "We'll be back before the New Year, darling," his mother had ...

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