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The Sauna 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:anal sex, 3118 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Shuggie Picture in profile
Added: Dec 28 2006Views / Reads: 2942 / 2710 [92%]Part vote: 8.78 (9 votes)
Having had my first full massage with karen i was eager for more but how much more would i get. (best read "The Sauna" first)

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The Sauna 2

As I finally headed home after an eventful day, my head was swimming, it seemed like a dream, going into a sauna and getting more than I could ever imagine.

Yet so many questions arose, why did she do that to me, does she do it for other clients, was I missing something. One thing was for sure, I definitely would be looking forward to the next visit to the gym.

The following day, for some unexplainable reason, as I walked by a florists I felt the over whelming urge to at least buy Karen a bunch of flowers. My reasoning being that I had spent hundreds of pounds on women and not even got laid once yet I couldn't even explain how much I enjoyed that massage and didn't even pay a penny for it, let alone say thank you.

I explained to the florist that I wanted a really amazing bouquet of flowers, money was no object, but they had to be delivered anonymously. As Valentines Day was fast approaching it may leave all the staff in the gym guessing.

The florist delivered the flowers the next day, making sure that Karen signed for them herself and explained that she hadn't seen the customer who ordered them as she was on her break. When I spoke to the florist ...

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