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Center of Attentionthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:group, 2837 words)

Author: Danasis
Added: Dec 29 2006Views / Reads: 2027 / 1590 [78%]Story vote: 9.00 (3 votes)
A young college boy is invited to a party...

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Two weeks into my first year at a small, southern private college, I was walking in a wooded area near campus, admiring the gorgeous plants and wildlife that seemed to do so well in such "private," out-of-the-way spots. I wasn't expecting to run into anyone on an early Saturday morning, so when I saw another boy approaching, I was surprised. Perhaps a year or two older than me, a "lowly" 18-year-old freshman, he said hello and asked me what I was doing up so early on a weekend, an I replied that I liked bird-watching. He laughed as if he thought I was joking but I pointed out that the majority of birds are most active early in the day, so I decided to be an "early bird," too.

I've always been quite shy and timid socially, so I had to muster all my courage to turn the tables on him and ask what he was doing up at 6:00 am. I expected a wise-ass remark about getting home from a late party or whatever, and I was surprised once again when he replied that he was out looking for a someone like me, someone who'd like to have his shorts pulled down. Someone who'd like to get down on all fours and get mounted. Corn-holed good and hard. Someone who'd like to feel his ass being filled with cum.

My mind raced as I tried to figure why he'd be so bold and open about getting queer with me. Was he openly gay? Did he figure that I was gay? Perhaps from seeing me in the previous few weeks? Not that I wore a sign announcing it, but maybe that was it. He might be one of those kind of guys who can spot a sissy a mile away. Or was he just crazy and ...

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