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Lilythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 7674 words)

Author: Lady
Added: Jan 02 2007Views / Reads: 1006 / 788 [78%]Story vote: 9.20 (5 votes)
Lily Ordanan, daughter-heir, has fallen in love. But shall her newly found romance be fit to preside as King? Caught in the throws of deception, Lily finds herself confused, but this time by the trembling desire only one man has been able to provoke.

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Written by Lady

[Note from the author: This is a romantic story. Although, I hope you'll take the time to read it anyway. You may just like it. It's a good story if I say so myself. hehe]

~~ Lily ~~


At the age of eight, Lily Ordanan knew very little about a funeral. That morning when she asked their cook Betty what a funeral was, her only reply was that there would be a lot of sad people there. The rest, Betty said, would be left up to her mother and father to explain. Only her mother and father hadn't been much help either. They only commented that she would understand when she got older.

Now standing in the corner of the funeral parlor, she was quite confused why the man sleeping in the box was the center of attention. She remained quiet and surveyed the room and wondered what in the world Betty must have been thinking. She had been wrong because everyone appeared happy. She looked down at the flower in her hand and sighed with disappointment. Flowers had always cheered her up, and that's why she had spent nearly a half an hour in the palace gardens that morning trying to choose the right flower in hopes to pass that feeling forward ...

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