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In The Haremthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 3859 words)

Author: Jan'sguy
Added: Jan 07 2007Views / Reads: 3572 / 2952 [83%]Story vote: 9.38 (8 votes)
A Sultan's reward for a job well done leads to a night with the most fantastic woman he's ever encountered...

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This story was written for the love of my life, years ago, when our paths closed but briefly after being apart for 35 years. At the time, she was in transit, moving to Seattle, and I didn't expect to see her again. We now get to see one another once or twice a year, but the story remains a wistful favorite.


It felt strange. Being surrounded by perhaps a hundred beautiful women was almost overwhelming. Having finished his consulting project with the Sultan, he knew he had done, not only a good job, but an outstanding one. And the Sultan had a reputation for rewarding outstanding performance. So he was not surprised to be called to the audience room, and to receive a handsome check with a hearty word of praise.

He was surprised, however, at the next words. "I like to reward excellence. And your work has been extremely valuable to me. Therefore, I wish to give you special recognition. You are to be taken to my harem, and from all my wives, you are to choose one - any one you wish - to spend the night with you. All of my wives are beautiful, sensual, and extremely talented. I am sure you will find one whose ministrations to you will live up to my obligation for your work."

So here he was - and the Sultan had not exaggerated. There were almost ...

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