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Percy Rotter & the House of Femina, Chapter Tenthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:sci-fi/fantasy, 1459 words) [10/17] show all parts

Author: Janet1950
Added: Jan 14 2007Views / Reads: 253 / 180 [71%]Part vote: 9.67 (3 votes)
Percy meets Director Schlongenmeister

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Percy Rotter awoke on the morning of his second day at Genital Warts College of Witchery. He'd spent the first day in meetings with his new teachers, (although one was an imposter and the other went on leave of absence before the meeting was over.) Now he'd look forward to receiving some kind of message indicating what day two would have in store for him, and less than a minute after he woke up, that message came.

His bed-curtains were still drawn shut, but somehow a winged dildo was hovering above his face like a hummingbird. Percy was less stunned than he would've been on his first day (because of all he'd been through), but he was startled when the little penis spurted out what looked to be a long, white stream of semen aimed at his face. But the stream stopped short of reaching Percy and, amazingly, began twisting and turning in mid-air until it took the shape of cursive letters that, in turn, joined together to form sentences. Percy squinted as he focused his eyes on what was a notification of his schedule for the day.

According to the flying dildo's semen, Percy would spend "one magical minute" with several non-teaching members of the college staff, whatever that meant. First, he'd have an introduction meeting with the college's director, Ramsey Schlongenmeister. Next, he'd spend another "minute" with the dean of students, Ms. Edith Prickley. Third and last, he'd meet the school's cooks, janitors, groundskeepers, and other non-academic employees, again for a "minute." ...

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