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The Hotel Clerk (Part II)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 4956 words) [2/9] show all parts

Author: jeff501
Added: Oct 05 2000Views / Reads: 4036 / 3726 [92%]Part vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
A continuation of Hotel Clerk Part I. Sarah invites her young female co-worker up to room 508 without telling her what she has in store for her. f/f/m action. Oral.

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The Hotel Clerk (Part II)

Continuation of "The Hotel Clerk Part I"

I don't think a single day had passed without having intense thoughts about my Saturday evening with Sarah the horny desk clerk. In fact I don't think many days went by that I didn't jerk off, remembering what it was like to cum all over her and fuck her from behind. Fall had turned to winter and December had arrived. I was filled with optimism that she would want to meet me again, like we had planned. I called to make my hotel reservation, once again Jerry answered. I booked myself in for another week and as we were about to finish up I mustered the courage to ask if Sarah was still employed at the hotel. 'Ohhh yeah, she still works here' he answered. I thanked him and hung up. In less than 2 weeks I would be seeing Sarah again.

December 11 was finally here. I exited the taxi just as I had done 2 months before and waltzed through the lounge, I was so excited I could barely contain myself. Would she remember me, would she still be interested in me? As I walked to the desk my eyes scanned back and forth to see if my tall, sexy lady friend was present. As I looked around it was clear she was not working that day, I took the keys and with sadness walked to my room. The week passed without a word from Sarah and I was becoming more and more dejected. In fact, the blonde girl, whom I had seen the first time, was working almost every day but ...

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