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The Giftthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2878 words)

Author: ALFIE65
Added: Jan 17 2007Views / Reads: 1679 / 1219 [73%]Story vote: 7.00 (5 votes)
Man on a business trip , endulges a conversation and then proceeds to a 1 night stand. Though he thinks he did this it was actually a "gift" from his wife

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I was traveling through the mid-west on a recent trip which has become common place in my new role as Regional Sales Vice President, which equates to a glorified salesman. I was on the third leg of my trip with two more to go. Nine cities in eight days. Anyway the reason for this was to let you know that there was no time for me to unpack let alone make the rounds for drinking and dancing. I was sitting at the bar tossing back my third Coors Light and starting to feel no pain when out of the corner of my eye I saw her. She was incredible, five foot two, blond hair and a killer body. The old boy was definitely getting ideas. She went over to the bartender to ask for some change for the telephone. The bartender gave her the once over and smiling at her he gave her the change. She looked at me and gave me a short sweet smile and the old boy felt like a new boy immediately. I watched her walk over to the phone and make her call, I noticed that she was having an issue with her pants. Silly as it sounds she was trying to talk and pull up her pants at the same time. I laughed at the sight but I was also trying to keep my cool as I approached her. I walked right to the side of the telephone booth and with my hands outstretched and index fingers extended she looked at me inquisitively. I heard her tell the other party that she would be home tomorrow and that she couldn't wait to see them. She hung up the phone and looked at my fingers one at a time not getting the joke. She asked me why I was doing that and my reply was that chivalry was not dead it was only wounded and that I saw she was having a problem with her jeans and I was only there to offer assistance. She thought for a moment and then a light seemed to go off ...

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