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Pleasure Methis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex with toys, 3413 words)

Author: sluttyex7583 Picture in profile
Added: Jan 18 2007Views / Reads: 6587 / 5415 [82%]Story vote: 8.91 (11 votes)
David catches his girlfriend masturbating and sees a side of her he has never seen before. (masturbation, toy sex, anal sex)

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Erica was done with class, and didn't have anything else to do for the day, so she decided to stay home and relax. She knew David was coming over later, but he had class until 7:00 so she had plenty of time to do whatever she wanted. She also knew her roommate had left for the weekend, so she was all alone.

She thought she might take a nap, but she didn't really feel tired, so she decided to watch a movie. She went to her bookcase and started flipping through all the movies she and her roommate had. As she was looking she noticed that some of the cases were stuck out a little further than others. Erica reached behind and pulled out two video cases. Neither was marked with a movie title, but one had a label that just said "Erica" on it. Erica wondered what was on the tapes, so she decided to pop one in.

Erica put the unlabeled tape in first, and turned on the TV. The screen was blank for a minute and then an image she could never imagine came on the screen. It was her roommate Angela, a girl name Dianne from one of her classes, and Angela's boyfriend Brad. It was the three of them going at it like rabbits. Erica watched eyes wide and heard the slurping as Brad licked Dianne's pussy, and Angela rode Brad's hard cock, moaning each time she rocked back and forth.

Erica couldn't believe her eyes. She was mesmerized and even though she knew this was a private tape and she shouldn't be watching it, she ...

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