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The girl down the streetthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:first time, 6003 words)

Author: Janelle
Added: Oct 05 2000Views / Reads: 6212 / 5296 [85%]Story vote: 8.50 (10 votes)
I finally get up the nerve to talk to the girl I see every morning while jogging. If she only knew the fantasies I'd been having.

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I love to go for early morning jogs. So every morning of the week, at seven thirty, I can be seen running down the sidewalks and park pathways of my neighborhood. It’s so relaxing and peaceful in the morning, I always return home feeling stress free and energized for my day. Plus, since I started two years ago, I’ve shed the 30 pounds that I had added during my last pregnancy. Now because of my morning runs and aerobics classes, I am as slender and trim as I was in college. My ass is firm and shapely, my long legs are toned again, and my tummy is nicely flat. Even my breasts are more firm and shapely, and since having kids, they’ve swelled to an eye popping 36D cup.

My friends used to accuse me of having had implants, but I finally convinced them at a drunken girls’ night out that my tits are all natural. It was funny because we’d gone out to a couple clubs, had a lot of drinks, and then were back at Dana’s house. I had been wearing this really tight little sweater, so the girls started ribbing me about how good my tits looked. They were saying things like how all the horny young guys were flocking to me, and what would my husband have said if he had seen me flirting with them. It was true, I had my fair share of attention that night. Then one girl said that it was all because of my tit job. Well that was it. I was sick of these accusations, so I lifted my sweater, and said, “do these look like silicon to you?”

I was pretty drunk, but I was still shocked when I felt a pair of hands ...

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