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Faithful To Himself Only Part 5 Anothing Additional Anglethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 8533 words) [5/7] show all parts

Author: A.C.
Added: Jan 23 2007Views / Reads: 741 / 553 [75%]Part vote: 9.00 (2 votes)
Continuing story of the adulterous life of Joe Cole. In this part Joe continues his affair with Terry, Sylvia and Crissy and adds Katherine in a menage-a-toir wirg Crissy. Also stars in a porno movie unbenowing to him. Also has one night stand with ano

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Faithful To Himself Only

Part 5

Another Additional Angle by A. C.

The following Tuesday and Wednesday Joe Cole kept to his plans by having sexual relations with Terry and Sylvia. Both had been very glad to see him as always. He met Terry at her house and talked to her husband Johnny until Terry was finished dressing. Then they said goodbye to Johnny and when he asked if they were coming back that night, Joe replied it wasn't likely. He and Terry ate dinner and then returned to the motel for an evening of sex. The next morning her took her to work as usual and he went to the dealership where he was scheduled for appointments.

Late that afternoon he left the dealership and called Sylvia and told her he was on the way. She told him she would walk to the next block where there was a drugstore and he could meet her there. On the way there he idly wondered how many men had to go to through such a cloak and dagger scheme to meet their married girlfriends. He quickly admitted to himself that he would go through fire and brimstone to go to bed with Sylvia.

Knowing Joe had to drive home after their meeting, Sylvia suggested they ...

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