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Tammy L.this story is part of the FanClub (fm:interracial, 2579 words)

Author: Besot
Added: Jan 23 2007Views / Reads: 3617 / 3064 [85%]Story vote: 9.38 (8 votes)
True stories of my wife and I and how we started in the lifestyle. She is a woman who loves to fuck and Black men is her turn on. Our adventures is the basis of my fiction.

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This is for all my critics who insist that the stories I write are beyond belief. All of my stories have some basis in past experiences. The Tammy stories I am relating are simply biographies. These are all true.

We had been married about five years and sex had become mostly a two night a week sex relief act. We had a daughter and other things took up our time. With sex there was nothing overly new so after a lot of "I don't like those, doing that or maybe if you want," I introduced some amateur video porn to watch while we played thinking maybe something we saw on the films she would try. I had picked up some interracial flics along with plenty of other types. When I put one of the flics on there where a couple of black studs fucking the hell out of an ordinary housewife type, I couldn't help noticing her nipples became very hard and her pussy swelled up. She came hard and fast every time I put one of these videos on. I started whispering in her ear that she would love his long hard black cock in her pussy and feel him cum deep in her.

One night after a large number of drinks at a party she admitted she was extremely turned on with the long time fantasy of getting screwed by a black man. She also admitted for the first time she had played around with a few other lovers in her past. Imagine my surprise that she had ...

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