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The Turbulent Early Yearsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 8144 words)

Author: Lascivious Lady
Added: Jan 26 2007Views / Reads: 2252 / 1854 [82%]Story vote: 9.42 (12 votes)
My name is Kristen, but most people I know call me Kris. I am a 44 year old married woman with two kids, a 22 year old daughter and a 19 year old son. My husband, Jeff, and I were married the summer after I graduated from college. This is the true stor

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My name is Kristen, but most people I know call me Kris. I am a 44 year old married woman with two kids, a 22 year old daughter and a 19 year old son. My husband, Jeff, and I were married the summer after I graduated from college. This is the true story of our early years together.

We had our honeymoon in Bermuda. What a beautiful place! The ocean water is so clear that you can count your toes even when you are standing in it up to your chin. We rented facemasks and snorkels and swam with thousands of beautiful tropical fish. They do not permit rental cars in Bermuda, so we rented motorbikes and rode them all over the island. Even with a helmet on, I loved the feeling of the wind in my hair, and the vibration of the seat between my legs was quite exciting. We rode the bikes to several lovely restaurants for dinner, and the combination of the romantic atmosphere of the restaurants and the vibration of the seat made for some really great evenings in our hotel room, if you get my drift.

Jeff graduated a year before I did and took a job as an engineer with a large manufacturing company. He had a nice apartment and, although I spent quite a few nights there, we didn't really live together until after we were married. I took a job as a cub reporter (do they still call them that?) with our local newspaper. After the obligatory stint writing obituaries, which are what all cub reporters started out with in those days, I began to go out on assignments. Most of them involved ...

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