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Caught having phone sex!this story is part of the FanClub (mm:seduction, 2218 words)

Author: Passionbites
Added: Feb 04 2007Views / Reads: 6888 / 5617 [82%]Story vote: 8.60 (5 votes)
I was caught having phone sex by my dad's friend. Read on for what happened next...

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"Now, I am parting your ass cheeks" said my phone friend.

"Aaaah I can feel it", I said parting them with one of my own hands.

"Yes, and do you like it my li'l bitch?" his deep voice asked over the phone.

"Yes, honey. Go on....."

I was having phone sex. I would seduce some guy on the net from any of my favorite gay sites & if I found they were trustworthy, we exchanged phone numbers and then I would have virtual sex with them.

It was convenient for me as I lived in an apartment with Sharma uncle, a friend of my Dad's in Mumbai who lived alone. He came home only by 9 every night & so if I came home by around half past six, I would get sufficient time for a round of sex every evening. As I was in my training at an IT firm where my shift got over at 5, this was the routine.

"Now let me squeeze some oil into your tight ass hole", my friend continued.

I took the oil bottle with the nozzle that I had kept on the bedside table and squeezed its contents liberally into my asshole pretending he ...

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