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The Very Special Feeling Chapter 13this story is part of the FanClub (bi:transgendered, 2426 words) [12/13] show all parts

Author: Sheri
Added: Feb 07 2007Views / Reads: 743 / 350 [47%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
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Miss Judy's Retrainment Procedures Chapter 13

Miss Judy took me back into the B & D room to Station 5. She secured me so I was standing on my own with wrist & ankle bands attached to chains that kept my legs spread and my arms away from my body. Using a multi strap whip, she began whipping my ass, inside my crack and under my crotch! Then she went around in front, started on my tits and continued on down to my cock & balls! Just then Mistress Wanda called and they had a conversation which Miss Judy ended with - thank you for putting your trust in me to carry out your disciplinary procedures as well as making sure this new Shemale Bitch meets your stringent sexual performance requirements. Mistress Wanda repied , if this Shemale Bitch is unresponsive, we'll just put her in with the Rejected Whores that service all our daily clients, which will just increase our income that much more". So either way it's a win win situation for us.

As soon as Mistress left, Miss Judy stopped whipping me and told one of the Shemale Dominatrix's to bring me to the dinning room to eat and then secure me in her room. Tomorrow Bitch I'm going to take you to a very special section of my Retrainment House where you'll be engaged in some very erotic sex. She turned to the Dominatrix and told her tomorrow I'll be taking her to Section C so make sure numbers one through four are ready. She left me with a Dominatrix, who the other Bitches referred to as Dom M. The Dom M pulled on my leash and ...

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