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Verdanna's Diary - part 9this story is part of the FanClub (fm:masturbation, 2258 words) [9/9] show all parts

Author: Autumn Seave Picture in profile
Added: Feb 11 2007Views / Reads: 231 / 192 [83%]Part vote: 10.00 (3 votes)
Fitz continued snapping away with the camera for about another half hour until he was satisfied. By that point I was wishing that everyone would leave so that I could beg this prince to take me for real.

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Well, back in the city and already I miss Mexico. It's too noisy here and my brain just seems to be cluttered with all the noise of the people on the streets. Jill decided to stay in Mexico for a couple more weeks. She wanted to do some more shopping and well, she met some guy. Oh ya - told you about him. She and Chris ended up hooking up a few more times on their own and she's talking about going to visit him when he goes home. I dunno about that girl!

So, since I came back I realized that I kind of need to get a job. I mean, I still have some money left over from the reality show gig but I don't want to spend it all before I have to get a job. I want to put some of it away into some sort of investment fund so that when I'm old I don't have to live on some shitty little pension. But I never thought that getting a job would have made me so crazy. Don't get me wrong - it wasn't a tough job. In fact it was easy. But the prince... Hang on - let me back up a little.

I wasn't sure what I was going to do until I ran into Fitz at a party on the weekend. I knew Fitz a few years back when he was a crazy young wannabe photographer. He asked every girl he knew, including me, to pose naked for him. Most of us turned him down but this one girl named Evangeline took him up on it. She wasn't even really legal back then but the nude pictures that Fitz took of her made her famous and now she was one of the most sought after models in the world. Of course, it made Fitz pretty famous in his own right and now women begged him to ...

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