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The Park Bench at Midnightthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 606 words)

Author: Catwoman
Added: Feb 13 2007Views / Reads: 681 / 5 [1%]Story vote: 9.33 (6 votes)
I meet you late one night after work and we go to the park to talk. The park bench proves to be more fun.

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I stopped by your house around 11pm, after work. The full moon is out and glowing pale blue tonight along with the millions of stars and not a cloud in sight. We begin the walk to our favorite spot.

A few turns and we're walking down the hill almost blindly to the trail that was left on the edge of your housing complex. I feel the gravel beneath my feet, your hand in mine, and branches as we are enveloped by the small forest of trees.

We're blinded more, walking along the gravel trail, you leading the way deeper into the trees until we hit our clearing and I see our bench. We've been here in the past simply to talk and spend time during the warm summer nights outside with no one around to bug us.

We talk for an hour. Then a kiss; starts out sweet, sensitive, and supple, soon after turns passionate and demanding. We've never had a kiss like that outside the bedroom. It's definitely the type to lead to sex.

I was wearing a purple button up sweater, black lace tank top, jean skirt and a black thong. You were wearing your normal gangsta style pants and matching sweatshirt. I went home pantiless that morning.

You pulled off my thong and tossed it up in the branches. I'm sure the passersby will laugh. I felt like we were being watched, whether it ...

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