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My sister's boyfriendthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 3078 words)

Author: Raingirl Picture in profile
Added: Feb 13 2007Views / Reads: 6225 / 5733 [92%]Story vote: 8.80 (25 votes)
My sister was the sexy one, and i got the brains. On my eighteenth birthday, i thought everyone had forgotten about me unti Charlie showed up with a present.

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My sister Linda was one year and three days older than me. She got the body and the looks while I got the brains. It made it a little weird when she got held back a grade which made us classmates from the eighth grade on.

It was during our high school senior year that things really started to change. Linda was dressing like a total slut and making out with any guy she could get her hands on. She dated several college guys and even went out a few times with this older dude who turned out to be married with a three year old son.

My body was going through its share of changes too and I went from 5'2" at the beginning of my junior year to 5'9" mid way through my senior year. I was now taller than Linda, but certainly not as developed. Linda was a full "D" cup and I was a shy "B". Still, the guys started eyeballing me a bit more, but they would always chose my sister if the had to choose.

It was Linda's birthday and she was turning 19. My parents had a little dinner party for her and she invited her latest boyfriend, Charlie, over for dinner as well. After dinner, I was to go next door to baby-sit the neighbors four year old boy and my parents went to their twice weekly bridge game. As I packed up my books and stuff to be able to work on my homework, I could see Charlie and Linda playing a little grab-ass in the living room. I didn't think much of it and went next ...

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