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"The One"this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2076 words)

Author: drumgod
Added: Feb 25 2007Views / Reads: 5440 / 4632 [85%]Story vote: 8.67 (9 votes)
After getting engaged, I met the girl I always thought I would marry. This is the story of when that friendship became something more...

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Thanks for reading this true story. I'm not really sure how I let this happen, but the weird thing is, I really don't feel bad, either. Here's the backstory:

My name is Jon. I'm 6 feet tall, exactly, and have a gut. Other than the gut, I'm considered to be a handsome guy, and the gut is not bad enough to have ever stopped me from getting the women that I have wanted to get. Because I got to date a lot of girls througout my life, by the time I was 20, I had the perfect image of the girl I wanted to marry, both looks-wise and personality-wise. For starters, she was going to be an outgoing girl. Shyness never did much for me, I wanted someone who could not only handle my friends, but keep up with 'em while we were all out drinking and goofing on each other. I wanted someone who was very secure with her looks and sexuality. Someone who knew what they were doing, and who would make our physical relationship, both before and after marriage, incredible. I wanted a girl with a bit of heft to her - a flat stomach is great, but I wanted curves, too: large breasts, an ass that you could really get two hands on, a body that would fill out some lingere nicely. I also wanted a woman my age or a bit older. The number didn't matter as much as the maturity. Finally, I wanted a person with a personality similar to mine, and interests that were the same as well. After looking for this ideal girl for years, however, I discovered that there didn't actually seem to be one around. So, you can imagine my surprise when I found myself falling in love with a girl that was the exact opposite of ...

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