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Painful divorce, But........ IIthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 1822 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Raingirl Picture in profile
Added: Feb 28 2007Views / Reads: 3267 / 2891 [88%]Part vote: 9.06 (16 votes)
Now i have three young studs looking to have a good time with an older woman. Who am i to deny them the pleasure!

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Jimmy came home from school with his two best buddies, Bill and Kevin. I talked to the three of them and asked he typical questions about what their future plans were and so forth. It was hard for me not to take Jimmy around the corner and grope his cock, if even for a second or two. After a while, the guys decided to go hit some parties with some friends, and I told Jimmy that if any alcohol was going to be consumed, I didn't want any of them driving, and I'd gladly come give them a ride.

I guess I never really expected the phone call several hours from Jimmy talking in such a slur that I could barely recognize him.

"Aunt Mary, re.........remember when you said............ we shouldn't drive and drink? Well I think we might need you to ride us a give!" Jimmy stammered.

Poor drunk teenagers I thought to myself. "Okay, just tell me where you are and I'll come get you!"

It took some doing, but I finally got enough information to find them. The three of them were staggering down the street when I arrived and I got them all corralled into the car and head back home. It was on that short ride that Jimmy spilled the beans in his drunken stupor.

Jimmy looked into the back seat toward Bill & Kevin and said "My Aunt ...

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