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Kath and Hal Enjoy Vacation Sex with Two Other Couplesthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 2571 words) [1/6] show all parts

Author: KathHal Picture in profile
Added: Mar 03 2007Views / Reads: 7301 / 4939 [68%]Part vote: 8.86 (7 votes)
Kath and Hal fuck their way through England and pause for relaxation in a nudist village in the south of France, where the hot sex continues.

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Sixsome Sex in Great Britain and Elsewhere

Prefatory Note: Three years ago, Hal and I took a vacation trip to England, first, and then over to France. We met up with Denise and Fred, an academic couple we had met (and fucked) earlier in the year in St. Martin's. They were our travel companions thereafter.

I wrote an interim report to a good friend, Charlotte, mid-course in the trip, from Cap d'Edge, a nudist resort village in the south of France. Given that this note began life as a letter written on a lap top in a hotel room, forgive me if it is rough from time to time. Enjoy! All as-happened, with names changed for privacy purposes. We had met (and fucked) Brits Fred and Denise earlier on St. Martin's.

Dear Charlotte: Well, where to begin? We are in France for our third day, things went well in England, good hospitality from Denise and Fred and their friends, and so now the six of us are continuing our play here.

Envision - I am sitting stark naked at a table on a balcony waaaay up high, overlooking what seems to be the entire Med! I had vowed to eschew e-mail and everything else electronic while away, and I have kept my pledge until now. And indeed I am NOT even going to peek at e-mail to see what you might have sent to me, OK?


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