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Bordricksburg (Part Eleven)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 4933 words) [11/11] show all parts

Author: KK
Added: Mar 05 2007Views / Reads: 352 / 325 [92%]Part vote: 9.60 (5 votes)
This is the last part of the Brodricksburg story.

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By ten o'clock Thursday morning I had exited I-380 onto I-84 east and was approaching the Mount Cobb exit when I spotted it. The light blue Malibu was about 25 car lengths behind me. Too far back for me to be sure that it was Van Horn but I was sure the car was following me. I had my cruise control set at 75 MPH. Most of the other traffic on the road was either traveling faster or slower than me but the Malibu was keeping pace with me.

I needed to be sure. I was coming up on a tractor-trailer so as soon as I passed the truck I pulled in front of it blocking the view the driver of the Malibu had of my car and accelerated up to 78 MPH and reset my cruise control. After a few miles I had increased the distance between us considerably. I was just beginning to think the it had been just a coincidence when I saw the Malibu rapidly closing the distance until it was about twenty car lengths behind me and again keeping pace with my speed.

I no longer had any doubt that I was being followed, but why would Van Horn be following me. I started spinning everything I could remember about the Thursday Night Club case and the involvement of Agent Van Horn in the investigation. Could he have been a part of it? That ...

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