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John & Carol Return to the Real Worldthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 13639 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Just_John
Added: Mar 07 2007Views / Reads: 894 / 690 [77%]Part vote: 9.50 (4 votes)
John and Carol's relationship faces the trials of the real world when they return from their trip.

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John rolled over in the small bed, careful to try to move within his own area. The bed was so small he risked pushing Carol onto the floor as he rolled over.

"John... Don't go..." Carol reached out and grabbed his hand, pulling it between her breasts, his body against hers from legs to chest. They were naked in the growing light of morning.

"Oh god... What have we done?"

"Well... I'm sorry, He's tied up right now, but as one of His very favorite people I'll tell you that he'd have to say ‘something absolutely wonderful!'"


"God's tied up right now, but speaking for Him, what we've done is the most wonderful experience he's likely to grant me here on earth."

Carol laughed, that wonderful melodious twinkle, ""You're nuts... you know that right?"

"That's how I know I'm one of god's favorite people. I'm nuts and he still takes care of me..."


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