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Betty Takes Threethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 3031 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Mar 09 2007Views / Reads: 5310 / 4097 [77%]Story vote: 8.94 (18 votes)
It was the only way he could keep her.

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My career as a watcher started when I was a young lad and came about because I was worried I might lose a friend or two. My parents had died in an accident two years before and I was living with my oldest sister Marie. Much as I loved her I still got to be honest - Marie was a drunken slut. She'd go out boozing, bring home some guy, fuck him and pass out. One morning two of my buddies stopped by to pick me up for a weekend camping trip and as we went to my room to grab my stuff we walked by Marie's room. The door was open and Marie was lying naked on top of the bed covers. Brian stopped to look at her and I grabbed his arm and pulled him away. We took my stuff out to the car and when I tossed it into the trunk I noticed Brian wasn't with us. We went back into the house and found Brian sliding his cock into my sister. As a loving brother I should have run into the room and pulled him off of her, but I didn't. Brian was one of my best buddies and I might have hurt our friendship, and then of course there was the fact that watching him fuck Marie was making my dick hard. Marie's body knew what was happening to it, and I suppose on some drunken level her mind did too, because she responded albeit not too energetically. When Brian finished and got off I saw Joe looking nervously at me and I knew what he wanted and so I gave him the nod.

We never did go camping that weekend. Brian and Joe fucked Marie three times each that afternoon and by the third time for each of them Marie was sufficiently with it to give them both a good time. By that time of course I was in the closet. Marie never did know that I knew about ...

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