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The Commute Homethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 4944 words)

Author: Monica
Added: Mar 13 2007Views / Reads: 3290 / 2241 [68%]Story vote: 8.78 (9 votes)
What happens as I board a crowded commuter train home. It leads me to a world I never dreamed I would be a part of.

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It's Friday at 5:00 pm, and I've just finished a very hard week at work. I know that if I go home now, the BART trains will be packed, but I can't stand the thought of working another minute. I decide to brave the crowds, and head down to the BART station. I enter the train station and wait for my train. As it pulls up, I notice how crowded it is. I know that the next train will be just as crowded, so I decide not to wait and push my way on board. The train door barely closes behind me. I try to scratch my nose, but literally, I cannot move my arm to get up to my nose, as I'm packed in the train like sardines. As the train slowly leaves the station, it rolls into the darkness of the Transbay tunnel. As it gets dark, I feel someone touch the inside of my thigh. I initially think it was just incidental contact, but as the wandering hand touches me longer, I know it's not. My immediate reaction is to turn around, but I cannot do so. I try to turn my head to see the intruder, but all I can see are strangers who aren't paying attention to my predicament. The hand slowly slides its way up my thigh, pulling up my skirt slightly. Surprisingly, I notice that my panties are getting soaked from the contact, and I wonder how much further this intruder will go. My breath is getting deeper and erratic, and I know I'm turned on by the thought of a stranger feeling me up in a crowded place. As the cover of darkness hides all that is happening, I slightly spread my legs and decide to see how far the intruder will go. As I squirm in the crowd to open my legs a little wider, I am very aware and embarrassed that in such a short time I am equally gripped with fear and excitement as I can feel the wetness soaking through my ...

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