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Hal and Kath Enjoy Vacation Sex With Two Other Couples, Threethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 2718 words) [3/6] show all parts

Author: KathHal Picture in profile
Added: Mar 15 2007Views / Reads: 1823 / 1480 [81%]Part vote: 9.29 (7 votes)
Our horny group goes to a live sex show, where what happens in the audience is as torrid as the on-stage sex.

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Kath and Hal Enjoy Vacation Sex With Two Other Couples, three

The sound of the officer's heavy boots caused the young girl to look up from her book, and the expression on her face was a mixture of surprise and alarm. Here she was, alone in her home, still wearing her school girl uniform, and she was being confronted what appeared to be a stern and angry policeman.

I called down to Hal, "Honey, that child looks like she might be needing a lawyer." He laughed and replied, "Sorry, but I'm not admitted to the bar in France. Let's see how it plays out."

The cop barked something in French, a fast flow of idioms which I could not understand (I took French two years in high school but I can barely handle a menu, much less what is spoken on the street.) Albert thankfully whispered a rough running translation in my ear. It went something like this:

Policeman: "Now, just to be sure, your name is Nana, and you attend Blessed Sacrament School?"

Girl, stammering: "Yes, I am Nana, and yes, I am a student there." She rose to her feet, and I blinked. What she wore, and the way she was made up, gave her the appearance of being a girl in her mid teens. But her name was Nana? I whispered to Albert, "Nana. That is the name of ...

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