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Tanya's Pregnancy Treatmentthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:masturbation, 2482 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Honey West
Added: Mar 16 2007Views / Reads: 4118 / 3652 [89%]Part vote: 9.67 (3 votes)
Tanya's baby is overdue - her doctor orders a "medical orgasm" to get things moving!

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Tanya's Pregnancy Treatment by Honey West  Tanya had always wanted a baby. And now she was getting her lifelong wish. Nine months pregnant, and ready to burst with new life. Her doctor, Dr. Franstein, was a nice man. Always ready with advice and the latest medical updates. He seemed to know everything there was to know about pregnancy, how a woman's body worked, all the ins and outs.

His intimate pelvic exams during her pregnancy had been conducted with the utmost care and thoroughness. On one occasion, maybe just her imagination, she thought she felt him brush against her clit with the speculum he used to look inside her. Probably just a little "accident"... that happens sometimes during a pelvic. Doctors know how to stay away from a woman's clit, but it can't always be avoided. She had felt a small tingle, but in the stirrups, legs wide, and uncomfortably pregnant, it hadn't amounted to much. Of course, when she got home, she masturbated and had a huge climax, but that was par for the course after a pelvic exam

Even though embarrassing, those things always got her motor racing.

Unfortunately, her baby's due date was now past due by several days. Her back hurt, she was peeing every time she turned around, and she wanted that baby out of her BAD. Suddenly, the phone rang. It was Dr. Franstein's nurse, Eva. "Tanya, Doctor says you need to come over and check in to the hospital right now to start having your baby. He's ...

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