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Donna Donnathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1594 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: farquasi
Added: Mar 16 2007Views / Reads: 1075 / 906 [84%]Part vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
Donna calls me up again and wants to return to the adult bookstore so I can fuck her doggie style. It takes awhile and lots of oral sex to get there.

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Donna, Donna. How I think of you..... I had spent lots of time staring at her magnificent tits when we worked together. She purposefully dressed them up to look at..... Large and well-formed. Once I had even seen down her blouse when she sat down across the table from me at a staff meeting and I could look down her blouse and see she wasn't wearing a bra! Wonderful.

She was a regular "one-of-the-boys" -- talked to us about her sex life and playfully offered blow jobs to us if we would do something at work for her. We knew she was kidding.

Or was she? I'd found out by going with her to the adult bookstore to watch porn that she was serious about blow jobs -- she sucked me dry and swallowed every drop. Then I had eaten her pussy and finally we fucked before we left to the silent stares of the trolls at the book store. It had been a grand time.

She had indicated we should do that again some day. Well, I guess that is what "Great..... we need to come back here again and do this. Next time you can fuck me doggy style and feel my tits swinging." means.

I didn't hear from Donna for a week. Then I got an email -- "meet me at the coffee shop at 2pm on Wednesday" was all it said. I was sure it meant......


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