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My Darkest Secret Part Ithis story is part of the FanClub (fm:interracial, 2233 words)

Author: Anonymous
Added: Oct 10 2000Views / Reads: 4705 / 4163 [88%]Story vote: 6.00 (3 votes)
Middle aged married and prejuidiced white woman goes out with the girls and is picked up by a black guy. She goes to his condo and........

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I am not a story writer but I happened to come across this page one day while surfing the internet. I thought this was as good a place as any to finally release what has been inside of me for a while. Because I can't nor I won't tallk about it to anybody.

I am a middle aged (44 years old), happily married woman. In my nearly 20 years of marriage I really never considered being unfaithful to my husband. He never gave me reason to. He has been a good provider and cared for me over the years. If anything, he tends to be a busy person and at times I feel ignored. I would say our sex life is ok but being married nearly 20 years you tend to lose some of the pizazz in your sex life. But we have managed. I consider myself very conservative. That's why I believe my story must be kept a secret. I slept with a black man. I have been one of those that never has approved of blacks and whites being together. My daughter, who is in college has always been open minded about it but has heard me comment when we'd see white girls with black guys together. And hear I did what I tell my daughter not to do. And I have to live with it inside of me forever.

Because my husband is very busy with his work and my daughter is away at college, I work a couple days of the week for an ad agency doing some administrative work. The girls that I work with are always asking me to go out with them but I always decline. Well one Wednesday night a ...

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