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Teaching Lustthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 1782 words)

Author: Living is Dreaming
Added: Mar 19 2007Views / Reads: 2313 / 1848 [80%]Story vote: 8.50 (4 votes)
A teacher gives into her spanking fetish, seducing a student into spanking and fucking her.

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She was a model of what a single, working woman should be who contributed to society. She worked hard every day, always gave her best as a high school teacher, and went to church every day and twice on Sundays. She coached the girls' volleyball team and was head of the environmental club. Her hobbies were running, doing jigsaws while listening to the soap net, and helping lost or hurt animals (only the cute ones).

Anyone looking at her life superficially would say that she was content and a simple personality. Anyone but her would think that she simply never cared about men or sex. This is not the case, though. Behind those beautiful brown eyes and the stylish glasses lived a creature all her own. Whenever she was shopping and saw a brand spanking new line of spatulas the creature started to wake up. Whenever she saw a hand print, the creature started to throb. Whenever she saw a reference to McClintock or Secretary it would do summersaults and flips. Usually she held the creature at bay, burying it beneath her work. She stayed away from intimate relationships because she knew the creature would come out and was afraid of it. No matter what she did though, it would always be part of here, a potential firecracker, ready to change her simple life.

But one night she was flipping through the channels she caught a glimpse of Howard Stern spanking a grown woman. That night she had strange and arousing dreams which left her tired in the morning. When she got to ...

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