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Bill and Sherriethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 3119 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Mar 20 2007Views / Reads: 3169 / 2728 [86%]Story vote: 8.08 (13 votes)
He caught her cheating, but her attitude was "so what?"

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"Honestly Billy, you are just letting your imagination run away again." I shook my head and wondered if it was a girl thing, this sticking up for each other. It wouldn't surprise me any - dad had tossed mom out on her ass for doing to him what I was pretty sure that Sherri was doing to me. "Mom, I may not have caught her red-handed, at least not yet, but all the signs are there and I ticked them off on my fingers:

- Suddenly very secretive - Unexplained absences - She leaves the house smelling like Chattily and comes home smelling like Safeguard - Sudden change in the way she dresses. Went from slacks and blouses to low cut tops, short skirts and high heels - Suddenly working late when she never used to - She has come home several times without her wedding rings on - Picks fights with me, stomps out of the house and then doesn't come back for four or five hours and then won't say where she's been - More than the average amount of hang ups when I answer the phone Mutual friends are uncomfortable around me, but the most damning thing of all is that her diaphragm, which used to be kept in the medicine cabinet isn't there anymore. I sneaked a look in her purse when she was in the shower and she has been carrying around with her. You don't see anything wrong with this picture?"

"Of course I do. It was absolutely wrong of you to go snooping in her purse and you should be ashamed of yourself."

I shook my head in disbelief - why had I even bothered to answer her ...

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