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Card Nightthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2987 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Mar 21 2007Views / Reads: 5830 / 4001 [69%]Story vote: 8.73 (15 votes)
Who knew what?

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I find myself in a most interesting situation. My wife is screwing another man and I am screwing that man's wife. I'm not supposed to know about my wife and the other man, she doesn't know about me and the other man's wife, but the man and his wife know all about each other, but the man doesn't know that I know he knows about me and his wife. Confused? So was I for a while.

To understand the circumstances that led to the situation we have to go back ten years to the time my wife and I decided to move from a large city to a small town. While living in the city we formed the habit of going out every Friday night for dinner and for breakfast every Sunday morning. We decided that we wanted to maintain that same life style in the small town, but there was a problem. In the city we had literally dozens of restaurants to chose from, but in the small town, only six. It did not take us long to discover that of the six, only two were worth going to. Both were open seven days a week, but one was only open for breakfast and lunch while the other served all three meals. We got in the habit of going to one for the morning meal and to the other for dinner. As is common in small towns you get to know everyone, if not by name at least by sight and you find yourself saying hello and good morning to people you have never met, but see all the time.

One morning, about eight years after starting our breakfast routine, we were sitting in the restaurant when a man and woman we had never seen ...

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