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Bettythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2669 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Mar 27 2007Views / Reads: 3667 / 3011 [82%]Story vote: 8.33 (15 votes)
As Yogi Berra once said, "It's dejavu all over again."

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On a list of the top one hundred things I wanted to do it was about number three hundred and seventy-six. To begin with, I did not like Leslie. She was one of those "I'm cool , you're not" kind of girls. You know, the girl who smiles and says, "Hi Roger" when she passes you in the hallway between classes and after passing you by she turns to whomever she's with and says, "What a dweeb." But she was Betty's friend and Betty wanted to double date with Leslie and the loser that Leslie was currently dating.

Mark was on the football team, although just barely. His scholarship record was so bad he was constantly on the edge of being dropped from the team. He was a pretty good running back however and so at the last minute some how enough pressure was brought to bear on the teacher who was going to deep six Mark and Mark would end up with a barely passing grade.

Mark had a reputation as an asshole. He was a nice enough looking guy, but he had what my grandma called "shifty eyes" and she had always said, "Never trust anyone with shifty eyes. The reason those eyes keep shifting is because they are looking for a way to stick it to you."

Anyway, I had a car and Mark didn't and there was a movie on at the drive-in that Betty and Leslie were dying to see and Betty practically hounded me to death until I gave in and said okay.


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