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Sherry--- Now on Elbathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 13506 words)

Author: Wotan
Added: Mar 29 2007Views / Reads: 641 / 383 [60%]Story vote: 5.00 (1 vote)
The story about mature love...and mature sexual passion... continues They met through an erotic stories site... Basically romantic but with all other things in spontaneous sexual passion.....

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This is the fourth part in the series about Sherry, the woman I met through this site.

I recommend that you read the earlier parts to be able to better follow, and even understand what's happening. And please overlook my English, it's difficult to write in another language the your mother tongue.

I'm very glad for the votes you reader have given me, even though I'm a little confused about them. How come, that when the average points are rather high (thank you), there suddenly are a number of relative low points. And the one reader who voted a "5"for the third story, directly after it was published. Everyone have the right to express his/her opinion, I would only be glad if they also send some comments, explaining their votes. This is not out of curiosity, this is the only way for me to be able to better myself, and also the only incentive to continue to write.

But, I'm writing for Sherry, and she loves ......

So, here we go......


Sherry had managed to sneak out of the bed, without waking up the two men, to go to the bathroom. She could at last removed her garter belt ...

This story is part of the EroticStories.com FanClub archive. Therefore, you can only see the first few lines. If you want to see the rest, you can join the FanClub.

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