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Cleaning Ladythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 1910 words)

Author: Raingirl Picture in profile
Added: Mar 30 2007Views / Reads: 4742 / 4258 [90%]Story vote: 8.38 (26 votes)
After being out of the workforce for many years, i need to get a job to help with my two kids college expenses. I get a job cleaning a dentist office and find that the laughing gas makes me horny.

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Cleaning Lady

I hadn't worked in any kind of a job for nearly 8 years now, but with two kids in college, my husband's income wasn't enough to support us and tuition. I had worked cleaning houses and figured I would go back to that if nothing else popped up. Then, I was talking to a girlfriend of mine who remembered a conversation with her dental hygienist who said the office manager was having a hard time finding someone to clean their office nightly. I got the address of Dr. Thomas and the name of the office manager and showed up there the next morning.

The office manager's name was Kimberly and she was about 35, dressed very professionally and greeted me with a warm handshake.

"I'm Kimberly and you are?" she asked.

"Alisa Baker, nice to meet you." I said with a smile.

We chatted for a few minutes and Kimberly told me that the service they had been using had been fired because they would contract out with foreign immigrant contractors that couldn't understand English and it was impossible to communicate with them about problem areas.

"Well, I definite speak English and I have 6 years of experience cleaning houses for a living, so I don't think doing an office would be ...

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