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Brandythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 1479 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Mar 31 2007Views / Reads: 5894 / 4548 [77%]Story vote: 8.29 (14 votes)
He finds out his wife is a slut and it turns him on.

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The party was humming along and I was having a great time which was a surprise considering that I did not want to be there in the first place. I'd just come back from an exhausting business trip and was looking forward to a restful weekend doing absolutely nothing. My wife, Brandy, reminded me that I had promised to take her to a birthday party for her best friend on Saturday so I kissed my peaceful weekend goodbye and here we were. Brandy was having a good time too and, as usual, she had more male attention than I cared to see, but I trusted her implicitly so I did my best to ignore it. Rhonda, Brandy's best friend since the third grade, and her husband Paul, really knew how to throw a party so I was a little surprised when Paul came up to me and asked me for a favor.

"We are running out of ice and I feel obligated to stay and be host. Could you go and get some?"

I thought about it for a moment, the closest store at this time of night was over half an hour away, but what the hell, why not? I said I'd go. "Let me tell Brandy what's going on and I'll get going."

About half a block from the house I remembered that I didn't have any cash on me and that I'd used the last of the checks in my check book while I was on my trip. I turned around and went back to the party thinking I'd get some money from Brandy. I went through the side door and as I wiped my feet in the mud room I could see into the kitchen and ...

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